Pennsylvania Homeowner Assistance Fund

The PAHAF program continues to accept new applications that will be assigned to the waitlist.

These applications will only be processed if sufficient funding exists. Eligible applications will be moved to the “Application Submitted” status for processing as warranted according to available funding and based on an imminent adverse action (IAA) and date submitted.  Based upon remaining funds being diminished and, in conjunction with current processing timelines, PAHAF will not be paying or approving forward mortgage assistance for any months past the month of June 2025 regardless of approval status.  This means that, regardless upon the date forward assistance was approved, the number of months available for assistance may be less than six months as established in the PAHAF term sheets and in no instances paid for any month after June 2025.  The maximum amount of combined assistance for any homeowner under PAHAF remains at $50,000, as do the requirements of the mortgage not being delinquent as a standalone option and the applicant’s housing payment to monthly income ratio greater than 30%.

If applicants have additional questions, reach out to PAHAF at or contact the call center at 1-888-987-2423.

For Immediate Assistance

If you are a homeowner and need immediate assistance, we recommend that you contact your mortgage servicer to explore loss mitigation options that can provide you with a more immediate solution. You can also contact our partners at the Housing Counseling Agencies by clicking on the link below.

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